Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency Extraction of Data Stored in MongoDB

This post is intended to expand on the previous post Installing Python on Windows and Connecting it to MongoDB .  In this post we will use the virtualenv and extract data from MongoDB and process it using Python’s Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK). The awesome  book from which the NLP techniques are adapted is called “Mining the […]

Python in Eclipse with PyDev

This post assumes that we already have Eclipse installed. 1) Install PyDev in Eclipse The Python package that is to be used in Eclipse is called PyDev.  In order to install it go to Help -> Install New Software In the window that pops up, set the “Work with:” value to be http://pydev.org/updates .  When prompted […]

Installing Python on Windows and Connecting it to MongoDB

1) Install Python Download the Microsoft installer package for the latest 2.7.X version of Python.  I’m going to be using Python 2.7 because it is more compatible with some of the tools I need.  At the time of this writing this is Python version 2.7.8. http://www.python.org/downloads Accept all the defaults for installation.  This will place […]

MongoDB and PHP

1) Download and Install MongoDB In order to download and install MongoDB, first download a package from http://www.mongodb.org/downloads If you are running Windows XP, use 2.0.X.  Otherwise use the latest stable production build. Here is the main link for mongo installation. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-windows/ 2) Download the correct MongoDB PHP driver The repository for MongoDB PHP drivers […]

Kinect on WindowsXP with OpenNI

After struggling with getting the Kinect working I have these instructions.  At one point I uninstalled Primesense and OpenNI and started over in order to get it working. Download and install processing From http://www.openni.org/openni-sdk/ you get the luxury of a microsoft installer .msi. Download and install the “OpenNI Binaries” -> “Unstable” -> “Windows x86” Download and […]
